Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Family Tree


My family reunion is coming up in July, and since the Wigness tree starts at the level above my great-grandmother it can be confusing to keep track of everyone and how they are all related. To help combat this, I set up an online family tree generator that people can update on their own.

I know that it was a little daunting at first for the new people (Me!) to keep track of all the relations when joining the Block family and on more then one occasion I made John sketch out a tree on the back of a napkin. Since you are all so technologically awesome, I figured I'd set us all up an account there as well, if people wanted to fill in their information. I know you all know everyone already and don't need the reminder, but at least it will be there for the next new addition to the family!  :)

If you are interested:

Login: blocxfamily
Password: The same as the email and as the blog

Have a lovely day!



  1. Ha, I definitely remember looking at the picture (circa 2004?) that rested on the Worsfold's bookshelf/entertainment center trying to memorize everyone. I actually made an ancestry tree with the help of Steve and Deb on some random website I totally forget now and quizzed myself. Life is but an exam. :) I think I passed... I couldn't get Griffin and Jackson or Mary Grace and Riley straight, but that still happens..

