This was a busy week .I started training my replacement at work. Friday was my retirement date but it was put off one week so I could use up some comp time and excess vacation I would have lost. So next week I take three days vacation and work two and then am done.
Friday afternoon they had a nice reception at work. The Emergency ambulance service gave me a folder “Dummies Guide to TVA water releases, a swimming noodle, and a glow stick for the next time I get caught in the river when I go fishing! I’ll never live that one down. They gave me fishing pole and a Bean counters jar with bait money in it.
Fayette County to the Probate Ct. They are sticklers for detail. On one form there was a place for a signature and on the right side of the paper and on the left side a place for a notary to sign.
On one form the signature of the notary had been placed under the person’s signature. They rejected that and said it had to be redone!! Fortunately it can all be done by mail so no further trips to the Probate Ct will be needed and I should get my letters of administration next week.
I got to have lunch with Kate. While we were eating it was sleeting and raining. Her table on the porch was covered with ice. Who should appear but 4 golfers out on the green. They had to be completely nuts or extremely desperate to be away from work.
Kate said the boys’ winter break had been canceled because of the snow days. But if any family had a trip planned it would not be an unexcused absence if they were gone. No new material would be taught during that time. You can just hear everybody say lets plan a trip to the, mall, Atlanta, anywhere just so we don’t have to go to school.
Kate said John and Luke are finishing basketball this weekend and then Next week Baseball starts.
Today I saw a tee shirt with
I have no life
My kids play sports
I told Kate she said I should get one but
I have no money
My kids play sports
There must be lots of variations
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