Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ryan Swimming

On a happier note (I wrote the blog on Room), Em and I went to Ryan's swimming class today. With a huge smile Ryan happily dog-paddled his way from one end of the pool to the other end where Em and I were seated. During the whole length of the pool he continually called out "Mama", "Nana" just to be sure we were watching and laughing too! Very fun.

Speaking of laughing, Bill's and Chuck's stories are hard acts to follow!! Great blogs!



I finished the book called Room. (Read Amazon's descriptions and reviews for more info.) In all the hundreds of books I've read in my lifetime, I have never read such an intense, terrifying and emotionally wrenching book. At the denouement I thought I would be physically sick. After getting through that part of the book, it was still hard-going but rather interesting. I'm not glad I read it because it is still in my head. I actually had a nightmare about it. I would like to talk to anyone else who has read it to see if your reaction was similar to mine or if I just over-reacted to the story. It's hit the NY Times Bestseller list, so I guess this is a cautionary tale for this family of adventurous readers.

My Class

While Chuck was digging out of the snow I was taking a class. I saw in the paper the extension office was offering a morning class on how to grow Shitake mushrooms. I thought that would be a nice summer addition to some grilling recipes. The article said to bring two or three logs 4 to 6 inches in diameter and 4 to 5 feet long.

On one of my bike rides I saw a farmer clearing some land so I went out and got permission to do some scavenging. I took the smaller sized logs because they are so much lighter and easier to throw into the back floor of the car.

Got to the class and the instructor said the best log to use are oak, mine are maple. She then went into how you put the starter into small ½ inch holes that are then sealed with wax. Then she said you should see your first crop in about Oct 2012!!! So much for this summer Grilling.

I am not sure how well they will do in the heat of Raleigh but we will see. The logs will produce for 4 or 5 years but that too may be a function of the size.  I will not speculate how long my smaller maples may produce.


PS Chuck did you tip the cabby  or did he tip you?


So we returned from the Big Apple (subject of an other post) ony to find our driveway completely blocked by a three foot wall of hard packed snow constructed by the city plows just doing their job. It seems we narrowly escaped to NYC last Sunday ahead of an eight to ten inch snow storm. Our Indian cabby, trying to be helpful, thought he could just drive through the snow barrier and zip up the driveway...WRONG. We tried to stop him but he would not be deterred. You guessed it...stuck in the snow with the front drive wheels spinning freely(actually it was drive wheel since the Dodge Minivan didn't have pos-a-traction(sp?). Now in addition to having to lug two suitcases up the snowy driveway, I had to help our well intentioned cab driver dig his vehicle out of it's entrapment. For those of you who have never lived through a winter in Michigan, as well as those who have supressed such memories, "digging" a vehicle out of a snow bank isn't just a matter of clearing snow away from the,no,no my friends, it involves digging and removing the snow from UNDER the vehicle. You see that is where the "stuck" comes from....the frame of the van was resting comfortably on the snow bank while the tires were virtually suspended above the surface of the ground! In other words IT'S A HELL OF ALOT OF WORK...made all the  more difficult by the fact that the temperature was at or above freezing which makes the snow nice and wet (aka heavy). After fifteen minutes or so of vigorous digging we were able to free the van and get the grateful hack back to his business. I am convinced he will never again attempt to "off road" a minivan again. For my part, I spent another half hour digging out the rest of the snow wall from the driveway entrance so we could get in and out until our neighbor(who plows the driveway) returns from a week in sunny Florida...the bastard. I dragged my weary backside up the driveway and straight on to the couch for a well deserved snooze! Oh, and by the way, we received another couple inches of snow overnight as a reminder that winter in Michigan is still going strong. Don't you wish you too could enjoy the "change of seasons" we Yankees will tell you makes living in the climate so "special"?

Reunion 2010

Trying again.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dalena Update

We had a very nice President's Day weekend in Jensen Beach, FL with John's parents - they spend the winter there and after a weekend in the sunshine, I can see why.  We had gorgeous weather - low 80s with a nice breeze and were able to spend a lot of time in the pool and at the beach.  Evelyn was a great traveler - she slept so long on the flight down, John and I were both able to watch a movie on the plane!  Here are a couple photos - I posted some on the blockxfamily Picasa site too.

When we got back into town, we found out Deb and Chuck were visiting NYC.  John, Joe and I had a fun dinner last night with them before they flew back to GR this morning - a real treat!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Fields Girls basketball game

Thought we would share a short slide show of last weeks game.  Mary Grace wanted everyone to know "It is not a movie!"  Guess she is waiting to reveal her official movie debut!  Hope eveyrone is enjoying their day as much as we are here in sunny Raleigh!

Mike, Maria, Mary Grace, Riley and Kate

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Visit with Mom and Dad

Today Jim and I went to the Georgia National Cemetery to see the new stone that was put in place on February 1st.  It was a perfectly gorgeous day. We left some Gerber daisies next to Mom's side of the stone. Both Mom and Dad liked Gerber daisies and the colors reminded me so much of the colors that Mom often wore. Nearby a big hawk stood watch over us and then took off with it's broad wing span as we were leaving.  It's really a quiet and beautiful spot there on top of a mountainous hill. Love to you all, Nan

Monday, February 14, 2011

Libby Dale note

In January the post office forwarded to me a letter from Libby Dale to Mom. I wrote back to Libby that mom had died in December.
Today I got the following note:
Dear Bill Etal,
I mentioned her today to friends , then you letter.
I was afraid of your letter news. I loved her, she was remarkable and had an amazing spirit. She will always be in my heart.
You have to be happy for her to have died the way we all pray for. I always think of all the hail Mary’s that my mother and Jane probable said over their years,” Pray for us at the hour of our death”. Even tho I was startled when she said she no longer went to Mass, I again had to admire her spirit and I guess you could say “independent thinking. You know she’s in heaven no matter what! But I will miss her being here. Please tell all your family, condolences and thank you for writing me.


Happy Valentines Day!

I started to individually write Facebook messages but then remembered this blog!!


Love you all,

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dad's Retirement Poem

Dad had a farewell gathering at work where his colleague read a poem she had written.  I think she nailed it.

Ode to the Chief Bean Counter
Bill came to the County January 25, of ‘99
Twelve years have passed – how the time did fly
Back in the those days, Randy and Jennifer were our neighbors
He hadn’t been here long when Dedra went into labor

It took folks a while to get accustomed to his ways
But once we got adjusted, sometimes we were amazed
He didn’t have a lot to say when he was new to us
He still doesn’t say much, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard him fuss

His dry sense of humor still catches us by surprise
And when he cracks a funny, sometimes we laugh till we cry
A neat, orderly office have never been his strong suit
But he usually knows where something is within a stack or two

Co-workers have come and gone from Randy, Jennifer, Dedra and Debbie
To Ernst, Michelle, Maria, Linda, Tania and Melody
Being the most fiscally frugal was Bill’s title alone
Then Badger came along and knocked him off that throne

He always walks to work unless it happens to be raining
You can tell by looking at him that it keeps him weight from gaining
He’s an avid reader and he likes to fish and hike
He likes to cook, he likes to eat and he likes to ride his bike

Bill has spent a lot of his personal time involved in helping others
And from all he’s done, you’d say he truly is a brother
From the Folk School, IOI, and House raising volunteers
To the United Way, Homeless shelter and Crop Walk, he’s been doing this for years

It seemed to those of us who know him that grandkids made him more mellow
When all those little girls came along, he became a more relaxed fellow
The sign in his office that said “Scenic Overlook”
Soon lost its place to ‘Grandpa’s Photo Book’

One of his goals in retirement is to ride his bike from Franklin
I think that when he’s done with that trip his tongue will be hangin’
A 50 mile ride that is mostly on an incline
When you finish that trip, we hope you’ll still be fine

His loving wife, Mary, often calls him Willie
Let’s hope his retirement doesn’t drive her silly
As Bill leaves us to start his days of rest
Join me in letting him know that we wish him all the best!

We all know you will enjoy your 'next phase'.  Congrats again!  Love, Anna

Saturday, February 5, 2011

busy week

This was a busy week .I started training my replacement at work. Friday was my retirement date but it was put off one week so I could use up some comp time and excess vacation I would have lost. So next week I take three days vacation and work two and then am done.
Friday afternoon they had a nice reception at work. The Emergency ambulance service gave me a folder “Dummies Guide to TVA water releases, a swimming noodle, and a glow stick for the next time I get caught in the river when I go fishing! I’ll never live that one down. They gave me fishing pole and a Bean counters jar with bait money in it.
Fayette County to the Probate Ct.  They are sticklers for detail.  On one form there was a place for a signature and on the right side of the paper and on the left side a place for a notary to sign.
On one form the signature of the notary had been placed under the person’s signature. They rejected that and said it had to be redone!! Fortunately it can all be done by mail so no further trips to the Probate Ct will be needed and I should get my letters of administration next week.
I got to have lunch with Kate. While we were eating it was sleeting and raining. Her table on the porch was covered with ice. Who should appear but 4 golfers out on the green. They had to be completely nuts or extremely desperate to be away from work.

Kate said the boys’ winter break had been canceled because of the snow days. But if any family had a trip planned it would not be an unexcused absence if they were gone. No new material would be taught during that time. You can just hear everybody say lets plan a trip to the, mall, Atlanta, anywhere just so we don’t have to go to school.
Kate said John and Luke are finishing basketball this weekend and then Next week Baseball starts.
Today I saw a tee shirt with
I have no life
My kids play sports
I told Kate she said I should get one but
I have no money
My kids play sports

There must be lots of variations

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Justin Bieber Fever

I was watching the Late Show with David Letterman, and Justin Biener was one of the guests. I thought of my wonderful dance crew and how much fun that was. I guess he has a movie coming out in February. His story is sweet; maybe I'll go see it. I am a sucker for 3D movies and teeny bopper singers!!